DNA TEST / 666 views
We deliver discrete and reliable DNA testing services to clients in Nigeria for very affordable price. Our portfolio of services covers DNA paternity tests, tests for other types of relationships, tests for immigration purposes, forensic and tribe testing. Our testing services accredited and strictly performed in accordance with international standards. We are only provider of DNA paternity testing using the Dual Process™ in Nigeria, which means that we will have your samples tested by two independent teams and data are reviewed by laboratory directors before release. While others charge astronomical prices for standard paternity test, we make the DNA paternity testing fast, accurate as well as affordable.
A DNA test compares DNA profiles to determine the biological relationship between 2 or more people with accuracy higher than 99.99%. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is located in the nucleated cells of our body and carries set of genes identifying each individual. Everyone inherits half of the genetic makeup “genotype” from the mother and half from the father.
Our laboratory has international certifications from ACLASS Accreditation Services (ISO/IEC 17025) and ASCLD/LAB.
- Listing ID: 1079